Planting trees for Earth Day

How to celebrate Earth Day at your apartment community

Written by Greystar
Edited by Greystar
Greystar Green April 22, 2015

Today is Earth Day! Over one billion people are participating from 192 countries around the globe. Whether you live in New York, Cairo, Beijing or London, we invite you to join your neighbors in promoting a clean, green environment.

Each year, Greystar encourages our more than 1,600 communities to host an event or coordinate a project for their residents. Our Sustainability Team and employee volunteers brainstorm small initiatives that make a big difference and share those ideas with our community teams to help them to promote Earth Day.

Here are a few of this year’s ideas:

  • Host a ‘lights out’ event at your community. Ask residents to turn lights out and unplug appliances for ONE hour and head to the community room for refreshments and snacks.
  • Host a community clean up event at a local park and clean up trash and debris.
  • Go for a group hike or walk outside instead of using indoor gym equipment that uses a lot of energy.
  • Provide free recycling bags to residents to encourage recycling by making it SIMPLE.
  • Partner with Goodwill and host a donation event for clothing, small household items and shoes.
We also encourage our residents and loyal blog followers to get involved. Talk to your community manager about organizing green activities throughout the year.


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