Three women sitting at a table, laughing and enjoying a conversation.

Roommate Hunting: How to Find Your Perfect Match

portrait of smiling person
Written by Ilissa Davis
portrait of smiling person
Edited by Sarah Claire Eleazer
For Residents March 29, 2023

You’ve discovered the apartment community of your dreams, but the monthly rent exceeds your budget. Many apartment renters are finding reliable roommates to split their monthly costs instead of settling for less. If you’re starting your roommate search, follow these simple guidelines to secure a candidate who checks all the boxes on your must-have list. 

Determine Your Dealbreakers

If you work from home and require quiet time, a garage band keyboardist probably won’t be the right fit. Likewise, your night owl tendencies might disturb an early bird. Think carefully about your day-to-day and jot down the qualities you believe will disrupt or elevate your lifestyle. Save this list for later and use it to narrow down interviewees. 

There will always be disagreements. Don’t let yourself get bogged down with the nitty-gritty and focus on realistic pros and cons. 



Ask Your Inner Circle

Work smarter, not harder. If you know a friend, family member, or colleague who’s also on the hunt for an apartment, get together and discuss what a potential roommate situation might look like. You’ve already accomplished the most crucial step, getting to know each other, and you should feel comfortable discussing any future conflicts.

In some cases, a familiar face might not be ideal. Steer clear from rooming with your sister’s boyfriend or your current boss in the event a relationship ends negatively, and you’re forced back to square one. 



Use Social Media

If you don’t know anyone in your social circle looking for a roommate, Craigslist, PadMapper, Roomi, Facebook groups, and alumni platforms can be helpful. These free and subscription-based platforms are the preferred places renters go for a possible match.
Always meet at a public space for your first encounter and pay attention to red flags. If you don’t vibe with one prospect, chances are you won’t warm up to them over time. There are dozens of candidates out there looking for someone just like you, so onto the next. 



Interview Wisely

This is the time to mention those dealbreakers and desirable qualities discussed earlier. Take your time and don’t feel like you need to rush through the process, as finding the right match takes time. Some great questions to ask during a roommate interview are:

  • Tell me about your previous living situation. What did you like and dislike?
  • Can you tell me about your cleaning habits?
  • How long will you need a roommate?
  • What’s your daily schedule?
  • What does a typical weekend look like for you?
  • Do you cook frequently?
  • How often will you have visitors?


Be prepared to answer any questions the other person may have for you. Be honest with yourself and bring up any personal habits that could influence their decision to room with you. 


Already have a roommate? Find a floor plan with the perfect layout for you and your new addition at a Greystar apartment community near you. 

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